型号Model 020724 020730 020736 总长Overall Length A (mm) 1703 1784 1984 总高Overall Height B (mm) 757 720 682 总宽Overall Width C (mm) 1360 1350 1330 重量 Weight(Kg) 361 370 372 开沟深度 Trenching Depth(mm) 610 762 915 流量 Flow(l/min) 70-110 70-110 70-110 工作压力 Working Pressure (MPa) 16-20 16-20 16-20 This tool is mainly used for trenching, laying underground pipelines, slotted farmland, urban and rural optical cable. Can be easily adjusted the planting depth, the trencher can be quickly installed in front of the skid steer loaders by mounting frame. 本机具主要用于挖沟、开槽、铺设地下农田管道,城乡光电缆。能方便的调整开沟深度,通过挂架可以快速的安装在滑移装载机前面。