型号Model 050960 050972 050978 050984 总长Total Length A (mm) 1524 1830 1980 2134 总宽Total Width B (mm) 686 686 686 686 总高Total Height C (mm) 965 965 965 965 抓斗张开高度 Grapple Opening Height(mm) 1245 1245 1245 1245 齿距Tooth Distance(mm) 240 241 254 216 重量 Weight (Kg) 480 527 593 652 The tool is installed on the skid loaders, is controlled by hydraulic pressure to let the bucket open and close. It can be used for grabbing the materials, such as grass, straw and branches. Widely used in grassland, pasture, farms and other places. 本机具安装在滑移装载机前面,通过液压控制上斗的开启和闭合,可以抓取草、秸秆、树枝等物料,广泛适用于草场、牧场、养殖场等地。