This tool is mainly used in the soil formation, the weeds, the waste collection loose, through the oil cylinder control the pine rake angle and the direction, can be used in many kinds of places. 1. Collect the weeds with uncultivated or cultivated ground surface, loosen the pasture feeds. 2. Flat and Loose the blocked soils, filter the sundries and refine the lump soils, in order to meet the agronomic requirements. 本机具主要应用于土壤平整,杂草、废料收集疏松,通过油缸控制松耙器的角度和方向,可灵活应用于多种场所。 1. 未耕地表或已耕地表的浅层杂草收集,疏松牧场饲料。 2. 块状土壤的平整、疏松,过滤杂物及细化硬块土壤,使土地满足农艺要求。