型号Model 051184 051160 长度Length(mm) 2323 1723 宽度 Width(mm) 910 910 高度Height(mm) 835 835 耕地宽度 Working Width(mm) 2124 1524 耕地深度Working Depth(mm) 130 130 压力Pressure(Mpa) 16-21 16-21 流量Flow (L/min) >80 >80 重量Weight(Kg) 475 400 The rotary tiller is matched with the host machine to complete the plow and cultivation. With the strong ability to cut the soils into pieces and let the ground surface flat, also can be cut down the tree trunks below the ground, in order to sow easily, and convenient for later sowing work. Mainly used: garden, agriculture, etc. 旋耕机是与主机配套完成耕、耙作业的耕耘机械。具有碎土能力强、耕后地表平坦等特点;同时能够切碎埋在地表以下的根茬,便于播种机作业,为后期播种提供良好种床。 主要用于:园林、农业等。