推雪铲 Snow Blade 型号Model 020860 020872 020884 020896 总宽 Overall Width(A)(mm) 1500 1830 2130 2430 总长Overall Length(B)(mm) 1010 1010 1010 1010 运输高度Transport Height(C)(mm) 635 635 635 635 总高Overall Height(D)(mm) 978 978 978 978 转角30作业宽度(E) Operating Width when rotated to Angle 30° (mm) 1300 1583 1845 2104 偏转角度Deflection angle(F)° ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30 作业速度Working Speed (Km/h) 3~60 3~60 3~60 3~60 重量Weight(Kg) 256 270 287 298 避障高度Against-Obstacle Height (mm) 80 80 80 80 工作压力Working Pressure(mpa) 14-21 14-21 14-21 14-21 Snow blade can rotate 30 degrees to the left to the right, easily and quickly to clear the pavement and the thin snow on the driveway. The strengthening design of the steel structure, bottom wear of the blade plate can be replaced, shovel cutting blade and snow plow are connected by bolts conveniently and quickly, also rubber blade plate optional. The shovel cutting blade will be automatically flipped when meets the obstacles, ensure the parts not to be damaged. Otherwise, it will be returned automatically after crosses the obstacles. ◆ 推雪铲可以向左向右旋转30°,便于轻松快速地清除人行道和板车道上的薄雪。 ◆ 钢结构加强设计,底部耐磨的刃板可以更换,铲刃与推雪板之间用螺栓连接,方便快捷,也可选橡胶刃板。 ◆ 遇到障碍自动翻转,保证机件不受损伤,当越过障碍后铲板在弹簧的作用下自动回位。